Thursday, 1 December 2011

Sketchbook and other bits and pieces.

I am not having a very productive week this week, far to many distractions and I just cannot concentrate. Painting number 3 is on hold at the moment so I decided to have some fun painting more stones, some wood and a little bit of sketchbook work.


  1. I know how you feel, I feel all over the place this week too! Lovely colour palettes - especially the bottom page :)

  2. Thank's Claire, it's not going to get any easier over the next few weeks, I just need to make sure I keep doing something even if it's just some sketchbook pages.

  3. I love your wooden piece - it's very decorative and looks best on the white wooden board; you could frame them like that!

  4. I just had the same in my head to write as above like decorarttuk.And I love the first picture also.
    But sketchbook stuff I always find intruiging because they look like a world on their own.(maybe it's not written in good englisch?)

  5. The little piece of wood is my favourite too, and the sketchbook work, I understand what you mean. I set out to fill all the squares in the bottom picture but in the end I liked the space. Thank you both for your comments, and the English is very good.
