Sunday 17 February 2013

Work in Progress

I am currently working on a series of paintings so am pretty busy at the moment. I only have two or three days free to get into the studio so that leaves little time for anything else, I haven't done any photography in ages so I might have a painting break next week just to gather some inspirational material. Here are a few detailed photos of the paintings, I don't feel ready to share the whole paintings yet.


  1. These are so nice...
    Sandra, your use of soft colors with the black lines looks fabulous!
    Keep painting...and please post the final pieces. Thx!

  2. Thanks Sue, hopefully will post finished paintings soon I just have a problem knowing whether they are finished are not!!

  3. I agree with Sue M, hope to see the finished paintings - the details look so intriguing. -sus

    1. The acrylic ones are almost finished however two of them are oil on board so am waiting patiently for them to dry. At least the weather is improving to photograph them, these photographs are not my best!! Thanks for your comment.
